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Learn about survival food plants and…

• Never buy salad or stir fry greens again!
• Improve your food security while reducing your gardening time
• Forget about garden pests and bad weather
• Ramp up nutrition in your diet without pills and potions.

Goodness knows why we work our butts off to grow European vegetables in the warmer parts of Australia. It’s hard work and it seems we’re constantly battling with harsh weather only to have our crops decimated by bugs and disease as soon as the weather warms up. On the other hand, Survival food plants mostly originate in tropical climates and absolutely love it when it gets hot and wet.

Put away your spade and learn about these plants and you’ll spend most of your gardening time picking and enjoying your harvest!

What are Survival food plants?

A short read explaining what they are and why they should be in everyone’s backyard – whether you’re a green thumb or not.

Plant descriptions

Dozens of plants identified with information on how to grow them, how to cook with them, and in many cases alternative uses in the garden and even the medicine cabinet.