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Tree lettuce


Tree lettuce is a hardy annual to up to 2 metres that will perennialise simply by cutting it back. Leaves used fresh and cooked. Great for warmer climates.

Botanical name: Lactuca indica

Some other names: Indian lettuce, Chinese sword lettuce, Timor lettuce

How to grow it: Tree lettuce is a hardy annual to up to 2 metres that will perennialise simply by cutting it back. Very popular in warmer climates where other lettuces struggle with the heat and humidity. Does well in sun or shade – the leaves will be more tender in a shady spot. It’s best to plant it where it won’t shade other plants as it can grow huge!

Like most leafy greens, Tree lettuce will thrive on the addition of fertilisers and the leaves will be more tender, but I’ve seen it do well in less than perfect conditions.

Can be propagated by saving seeds after flowering, but it self sows readily – you might find yourself removing seedlings like weeds so it doesn’t get out of hand.

Grows well in pots, but you might find it best to keep cutting it back to avoid it getting too tall. It behaves very much like a perennial handled like this.

Nutrition: Tree lettuce is high in vitamins A,B, & C Iron, calcium and protein and so is a valuable addition to your diet.

Leaves are slightly bitter which would be good for your liver, and contain Lactucarium which has a multitude of medicinal benefits.

Using it in the kitchen: Young leaves are tender and have a slightly bitter taste. Use freely in salads and sandwiches

Older leaves can also be used fresh, but this will be according to your taste. You can also use older leaves in stir fries, soups, quiches, casseroles and omelettes generally in combination with other greens.

The stems can be peeled and cooked too making this an incredibly useful plant in the kitchen.

Other uses: The plant is so prolific that it can be regularly cut back and given to your animals – I even cut it back to use as mulch!


Tree lettuce is a terrific survival plant as it’s so hardy and abundant and in warmer climates provides a year-round supply of fresh greens.

Weight 0.2 kg