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Gotu kola

Gotu kola is a perennial creeping swamp plant that likes wet conditions like bog or pond edges. Likes sun or shade and is used for it’s nutritious leaves.

Botanical Name: Centella asiatica

Some other names: Pennywort, Indian Pennywort, Indian Ginseng, kodavan

How to grow it:

Gotu kola is a perennial creeping swamp plant that likes wet conditions like bog or pond edges. Will grow happily in soil if given enough water. Likes sun or shade and is used for it’s leaves.

There are many look alike plants, so be sure you have the correct one – the most obvious feature being the serrated leaf edges.

Propogation is simple once you have the plant established – simply separate a piece which includes some roots and the plant will strike easily.

Does well in pots provided you water sufficiently – it will trail over the edges and attempt to take root in the ground

In my climate (sub-tropics), I’ve never seen garden sorrel seed, but in cooler climates seed can be collected in autumn or the plant just allowed to self-seed. It’s a very common plant – you should find it at most herb nurseries or you can get seeds online.


Gotu Kola contains vitamins A,B,C & D and a broad range of minerals.

Perhaps the greatest value in having Gotu kola in your garden are it’s traditional medicinal uses. For centuries, it has been used for increasing brain function, relieving (and even curing) arthritis, and a general tonic for extending life. It is though that eating just a couple of leaves a day will cure many conditions and extend your life! Not bad for such an easy to grow plant.

Using it in the kitchen:

Gotu kola leaves are bland, but not unpleasant so they can be added to salads and sandwiches with other greens without adding much volume. I use them in smoothies.

Also can be made into tea, but again use other herbs to add flavour and volume.

I doubt they are much value in cooking as many of the health benefits would be lost with the heat.


Goltu kola is a valuable addition to the survival garden as it’s so easy to grow and provides a multitude of health benefits.

Other info:

Weight 0.2 kg